Tag Archives: definice

Jesličky, jesle

The Czech word jesle has several meanings, all of which are probably very difficult to translate with just one word.

1. The old meaning

Perhaps the most exact translation is a feed rack. Look at the picture here. Only this is “jesle”. In a stable, and in the nativity scene, the roof part wouldn’t be there, naturally. The Czech Ježíšek sleeps in “jesle”, never in a “koryto” or a “žlab” (both of these words would mean “trough”).

2. Crèche or nursery (as an institution)

A childcare center for children under 3 years. “Dětské jesle” did almost disappear from our life. But in a few towns the institution still exists. Currently, “paní na hlídání” is an alternative where a “jesle” isn’t available. “Paní na hlídání” might mean a babysitter (when needed) or a nanny who comes each work day, and sometimes even a live-in nanny. Another meaning might be a small, private childcare in the babysitter’s home.

3. In sport

In football or similar this means the situation when the ball goes through the legs of the opposition player. In hockey, it is when the puck goes through the legs of the goalkeeper to score a goal.